2nd Annual Southern Africa Meeting: Executive Summary
Twenty-six representatives from government Ministries of Health, multilateral organizations, academic institutions, and international non-governmental organizations met at The Rainbow Victoria Falls Hotel in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe from 28–29 August 2018 to take part in the second Southern Africa NTD/Trachoma Cross Border Partnership meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress on 2017 recommendations, identifying and discussing ways of resolving trachoma/NTD endgame challenges, and strengthening collaborative partnership networks.
Representatives of the participating countries: Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, gave presentations describing the status of their respective national programs and their specific interventions related to trachoma/NTD related cross border programmatic issues. International NGO partners including Sightsavers, AMREF and BICO attended the meeting. ESPEN/WHO/AFRO was also represented by the Trachoma Medical Officer.
The partnership made regional and country specific recommendations on strengthening cross-border collaborations for trachoma elimination. The third Southern Africa NTD/Trachoma Cross Border Partnership meeting is scheduled for September 2019 in Zambia.