4th Annual Meeting of the East Africa NTD/Trachoma Cross-Border Partnership
The fourth annual meeting of the East Africa NTD/Trachoma Cross-Border Partnership was held July 24 - 25, 2018 at the Serena Resort Beach Hotel, Mombasa, Kenya.
Objectives of the meeting included reviewing progress made on 2017 recommendations; discussing strategies for tackling cross-border end game challenges, and outlining recommendations for collaborative activities in the following year.
All of the seven eastern Africa trachoma-endemic countries except South Sudan, i.e. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania (including one delegate from Zanzibar) attended the meeting. In addition, funding and implementing NGO partners supporting these countries participated in the meeting. Each participating country gave presentations focusing on general overview of their trachoma programs and specific endgame challenges confronting their respective programs. Uganda and Tanzania appear to be on the frontline to achieving the GET2020 targets. Group discussions were held targeting on identified major endgame challenges following the presentations.
The partnership made regional and country specific recommendations on strengthening cross-border collaborations for trachoma control. The next meeting is scheduled for August 7–8, 2019 in Zanzibar.