Moumine Yaro is a Supply Chain Manager at ITI. In his role, Moumine supports ITI’s mission by providing technical expertise and strategic support to Ministries of Health in recipient countries, international partners, and NGOs for azithromycin supply chain through the Global Trachoma Program. He is also responsible for planning, executing, and coordinating donated azithromycin shipments to several countries in the world, mainly in Africa.
After having worked for over 15 years in the for-profit sector, Moumine brings to his position a comprehensive experience in supply chain management including procurement, inventory management, import/export, warehousing, transportation, logistics, and distribution. Prior to joining ITI, Moumine was in TechSupport at Lenovo/IBM where he provided technical support to clients both in the US and Canada. Previously, he worked for over 5 years in various roles at Macy's Logistics and Operations Division, where he worked with domestic and international vendors in planning and executing demands, coordinating shipments and Inbound/Outbound logistics, and inventory management.
Mr. Yaro is a native French speaker and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing Management from the School of Management of INSTEC, and a MBA in Marketing Management from EDHEC Business School in the Ivory Coast. He is also CISCO networking certified, and has completed his certification in Health and Humanitarian Logistics from the Georgia Institute of Technology in addition to the USAID Certification in Logistics Management for Health Commodities. Mr. Yaro recently completed his Post Graduate Diploma in Global Health Procurement and Supply Chain Management from Empower School of Health / KENT State University along with the UNDP certification in Procurement and Supply Chain Management.
Due to his concern for humankind and his efforts to improve their welfare and happiness, Moumine is considered by family and friends to be a true humanitarian. His passion for saving human life and the alleviation of suffering compelled Moumine to join the Junior Chamber International (JCI) in 2003 where he served in several leadership positions. In 2006, he became a certified international trainer in entrepreneurship, leadership, organizational management, and personal development. His leadership and experience inspired him to establish a NGO empowering local communities and helping needy people suffering in hospitals in the Ivory Coast. Mr. Yaro also served on the Board of the DeKalb County Habitat for Humanity as a member of the Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO committee). Moumine is enthusiastic about collaboration in efforts to strengthen and to build capacity within public health supply chain systems in the developing world.